Capital appeals
Fundraising for specific large-scale capital purchases. Capital Appeals are a major undertaking that are totally outside the day-to-day fundraising. They require raising considerable sums of money, within a set timeline, to fund specific capital purchases. They involve careful planning, and the project management of a co-ordinated approach that touches on many fundraising disciplines – including trusts and grants, corporate fundraising, major donors, individual giving and event fundraising.
Why work with us?
We believe that successful Capital Appeals start long before the planning process commences. They begin with a feasibility study and analysing whether they are viable? We can help you answer this question, as well as helping you through the planning, strategy and implementation stages of a successful appeal.
What kind of support will you get?
Our cross-functional team of experts can support you through every aspect of delivering a co-ordinated and focused Capital Appeal. Our fundraising strategy specialists will guide you through the initial feasibility study and planning stages.
With experts on-hand in every fundraising discipline, we can support you implement a co-ordinated and multi-faceted fundraising campaign to generate the substantial income you need.
What are the benefits for you?
A Capital Appeal is an extraordinary event for most charities. Few organisations have the in-house fundraising resources or experience to manage one in its entirety. With us, you can get access to decades of experience in the project management of major capital appeals and fill any gaps in your internal fundraising resources.
Support for you, when you need it.
- Feasibility Study
- Fundraising Strategy and Planning
- Trust and Grants expertise
- Major Donor expertise
- Corporate Fundraising expertise
- Individual Giving expertise
- Event Fundraising expertise